Cereal Chem 56:68 - 72. | VIEW
Polysaccharide Interactions with Wheat Proteins and Flour Doughs.
F. R. Huebner and J. S. Wall. Copyright 1979 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Because of the generally lower bread baking quality of soft wheat flours, polysaccharide additives that might improve their performance were explored. Extracellular microbial polysaccharides, carrageenans, and an alginate were added to soft wheat flour doughs before mixing in the farinograph. When added in concentrations lower than 0.6%, two microbial polysaccarides increased peak time and dough stability as measured by the farinograph. Furthermore, by adding certain microbial polysaccarides and small amounts of a commercial carrageenan gum, the mixing characteristic of the dough could be varied extensively, even approximating those of strong flours. To determine polysaccharide-protein interactions, the polysaccharides were added to partially purified gluten solutions and the turbidity and viscosity were determined. The fractions, which varied from no apparent interaction to strong association and precipitation, suggest possible use of the gums as scavengers for proteins in dilute wastewater solutions or in texturized protein foodsl.