Cereal Chem 56:123 - 127. | VIEW
Human Gastrointestinal Action on Wheat, Corn, and Soy Hull Bran---Preliminary Findings.
F. R. Dintzis, L. M. Legg, W. L. Deatherage, F. L. Baker, G. E. Inglett, R. A. Jacob, S. J. Reck, J. M. Munoz, L. M. Klevay, H. H. Sandstead, and W. C. Shuey. Copyright 1979 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Initial studies showed some changes in composition and morphology of brans of AACC wheat (a soft white wheat), dry milled corn, and soybean hull after passage through the human alimentary tract. These materials, incorporated in bread to provide the major food fiber component of a controlled diet, were retrieved as identifiable particles from lyophilized feces of five healthy human volunteers, analyzed for changes in major fiber components, and examined by scanning electron microscopy. The corn bran was recovered in yields of 90% and greater and seemed little affected by its journey. AACC wheat bran was recovered stripped of adhering endosperm and frequently, of aleurone layer; its appearance changed greatly because remaining pericarp layers were folded or curled and recovered material displayed losses of about 15% cellulose and 60% apparent hemicellulose. Soybean hulls could be greatly disrupted by the human alimentary system with major losses of cellulose and apparent hemicellulose. Digestive effects on soy hulls may differ greatly between individuals, however; sometimes cellulose and lignin were almost fully recovered, whereas apparent hemicellulose was about 50% recovered.