Cereal Chem 56:137 - 140. | VIEW
Rapid Proximate Method for Determining Moisture Content of Single Kernels of Corn.
C. A. Watson, W. T. Greenaway, G. Davis, and R. J. McGinty. Copyright 1979 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
An instrument for determining the moisture content of single kernels of corn was designed and built. The instrument, like the Tag-Heppenstahl moisture meter, uses the principle of electrical conductance, but it is equipped with smaller rolls designed for passage of single kernels and has a more sensitive electrical system. Tests show that ammeter response and moisture content determined by oven drying are significantly related (r = 0.97 and syx = 0.89). Using the instrument, we showed that moisture in blends of low and high moisture corn equilibrated in two to three days. In corn inoculated with Aspergillus flavus, rate and amount of mold growth were greater in blends with high than in blends with low mean moisture contents.