Cereal Chem 56:172 - 180. | VIEW
A Rapid, Objective Method to Measure the Degree of Milling of Rice.
B. S. Miller, M. S. Lee, Y. Pomeranz, and R. Rousser. Copyright 1979 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
A rapid, objective method was developed to rate the degree of milling of rice. It involves 5-min extraction of 10 g of milled rice with 40 ml of isopropyl alcohol-water (1:1, v/v) and measurement of the electrical conductivity (*?* /cm) of the extract. The objective and subjective ratings for the degree of rice milling were highly correlated and the correlations of both types of ratings with ash, surface lipid, and Agtron color were higher for experimentally than for commercially milled samples. The objective test was sensitive to the percentage of broken kernels in the sample.