Cereal Chem 56:245 - 248. | VIEW
Effect of Chlorine Bleaching and Baking Temperature on Methyl Phoxim and Malathion Residues in Cakes.
L. K. Alnaji, A. M. Kadoum, and J. G. Ponte, Jr. Copyright 1979 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The effect of chlorine bleaching at 2 oz/100 lb of flour on methyl phoxim (phenylgloyoxylonitrile oxime (0)-0,0 dimethylphosphorothioate) and malathion (0,0-dimethyldithiophosphate of diethyl mercapto succinate) residues was tested. Methyl phoxim is also known as Bay SRA7660, which is a candidate insect protectant for wheat because of its low mammalian toxicity (LD50 to rats of about 2,500 mg/kg). Losses of methyl phoxim residues during bleaching were 41.2-55.5% compared with 32.3-45.6% of malathion residues. During cake baking at 375 F for 28 min, 91.31-100% of methyl phoxim and 75.5-94.9% of malathion residues were degraded. All tests indicated that neither insecticide affected cake baking quality.