Cereal Chem 56:257 - 260. | VIEW
Basic Studies on Cooking Potatoes. II. Effect of Potato Extract on the Interrelation of Gelatinization-Retrogradation of Potato Starch.
A. Suzuki and S. Hizukuri. Copyright 1979 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The effect of the hot water-soluble components of potato on the gelatinization and retrogradation of potato starch and the interrelation between them was studied. The state of gelatinization of the starch paste was quantitatively determined by glucoamylase digestion and by iodine affinity. The extract inhibited the gelatinization and promoted the retrogradation and the heat-moisture modification mainly by its interaction with amylose. The pastes became gelatinization-resistant in the presence of the extract depending on the conditions of gelatinization and retrogradation. It was suggested that in the pastes of low (40%) and high (100%) degree of gelatinization (estimated by glucoamylase digestion), the gelatinization-resistant parts were formed through the cooperative effect of heat-moisture treatment and retrogradation and sole effect of retrogradation, respectively.