Cereal Chem 56:272 - 278. | VIEW
Seed Proteins in Genome Analysis, Cultivar Identification, and Documentation of Cereal Genetic Resources: A Review.
V. G. Konarev, I. P. Gavrilyuk, N. K. Gubareva, and T. I. Peneva. Copyright 1979 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The specificity and polymorphism of some endosperm proteins from species of Triticum, Cagilops, Secale, Hordium, Agropyron, and Avena were studied by immunochemical methods, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (pH 3.1), and isoelectric focusing. The ethanol-soluble proteins of seeds of these species showed a distinct genome specificity. These proteins were used in genomoe analysis of amphidiploids and in the study of the nature and origin of the genomes of polyploid wheats. Comparative electrophoretic studies of the prolamines led to creation of a standard electrophoretic spectrum and to the proposal of a nomenclature for the prolamine components of a given species or cultivar. This nomenclature provides the possibility for describing any seed sample by a specific "formula" for its proteins. A uniform system for documentation of cereal germ plasm is proposed, which would include registration of genome and protein formulas and would reflect the genus, species, cultivar, and biotype of any given sample.