Cereal Chem 56:336 - 338. | VIEW
Chlorine Treatment of Cake Flour. II. Effect of Certain Ingredients in the Cake Formula.
A. C. Johnson and R. C. Hoseney. Copyright 1979 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Untreated cake flour gave lower volumes as the amount of shortening was increased. At high shortening levels the cakes rose excessively during the early stages of baking but then collapsed. Cake baked from Cl2- treated flour was insensitive to shortening over the range used in this study. Egg whites improved both the volume and grain of cakes baked from untreated flour but did not materially improve the baking properties of Cl2-treated flour. Whole eggs had a deleterious effect on the baking properties of untreated flour but did not significantly affect the baking properties of Cl2-treated flour. Cakes baked from untreated flour did not collapse when wheat or corn starch was used to replace part of the wheat flour. Although the wheat or corn starch improved the volume, it did not improve the grain of the cakes.