Cereal Chem 57:21 - 24. | VIEW
Rheological Properties and Food Applications of Proso Millet Flours.
K. Lorenz and W. Dilsaver. Copyright 1980 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Rheological properties and possible food applications of flours milled from proso millets (Panicum miliaceum) are discussed. Farinograph absorptions, arrival times, and peak times decreased and the mixing tolerance index increased as the amount of millet flour in the wheat-millet flour blend increased. Amylograph curves indicated a very low alpha-amylase activity in each of the proso millet flours. Specific volumes of breads decreased as the level of millet flour in the formulation increased. Up to a replacement level of 15%, the breads were considered quite acceptable compared with a white bread control. Cookie spread factors increased and cookie top grain scores improved with increasing amounts of millet flour in the formulation, presumably because of the high fat content of the proso millet flours. The millet flours imparted a slight grittiness, however, which was objectionable. Noodles of very acceptable quality were prepared with 20% proso millet flour in the blend. High levels of millet flour (40% or higher) in the formulation caused the noodles to be gritty, because of the high ash content of the proso millet flours.