Cereal Chem 57:35 - 39. | VIEW
Nutritive Quality of Baladi Bread Supplemented with Fish Protein Concentrate, Green Algae, or Synthetic Amino Acids.
A. Arafah, M. Abassy, S. Morcos, and L. Hussein. Copyright 1980 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Amino acid analyses and feeding studies were conducted with rats to study the effects of fortification of baladi bread with fish protein concentrate (FPC), green algae, or pure amino acids. Baking at 400 C resulted in the loss of 12-21% of L-lysine in bread made with FPC or L-lysine. Diets based on baladi bread baked from a composite flour containing 6.6% FPC and 91.2% wheat flour (88% extraction) gave approximately the same growth rate for rats as did a diet based on bread from wheat flour (88% extraction) containing added 0.35% lysine, 0.13% DL-threonine, and 0.7% DL-methionine. In both breads, the protein efficiency ratio (PER) was 2.6, compared to a mean value of 1.0 in the unsupplemented bread. The PER for a reference diet containing 11% casein and 0.5% DL-methionine was 3.0. Diets based on bread containing algae (6% in the composite flour) did not improve the growth rate of rats.