Cereal Chem 57:284 - 287. | VIEW
Distribution of Vitamin A in Fortified Flours and Effect of Processing, Simulated Shipping, and Storage.
D. B. Parrish, W. D. Eustace, J. G. Ponte, Jr., and L. Herod. Copyright 1980 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Wheat and corn flours and corn meal were prepared containing nutrients according to the 1974 fortification proposal by the National Research Council, as modified by the Inter-Industy Committee of the American Bakers' Association, to take into account natural levels of nutrients in grains and commercial requirements and procedures. Tests were conducted on the distribution in flours of the stabilized vitamin A of the fortification mix, tendency of the vitamin A to segregate in pneumatic handling and shipping, and its stability during storage of flours for up to six months. The proposed fortification policy appeared to be technically feasible with respect to ability to distribute vitamin A satisfactorily in flours, stability of vitamin A at warehouse temperatures for up to six months, and resistance to segregation in handling and shipping. The recommended overage of 15% stabilized vitamin A for fortification of flours may be more than necessary under normal commercial conditions.