Cereal Chem 57:386 - 387. | VIEW
Effect of Milling on Cooking Time of Sorghum Grain.
M. R. Ali and R. B. H. Wills. Copyright 1980 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Three cultivars of hybrid sorghum grain of the hetero-yello type were milled in an abrasive mill for varying lengths of time to remove different amounts of the outer layer of grain. The intact grain from each milling time was cooked to a soft, edible stage in water at 98 C. For all cultivars, cooking times decreased as the outer layers were removed, with the greatest decrease from removal of the first 10% of the grain. When about 20% of the grain had been removed, constant cooking times were attained for all cultivars. The minimum cooking times (46-49 min) were substantially longer than that for rice (about 25 min).