Cereal Chem 57:54 - 58. | VIEW
Natural Levels of Nutrients in Commercially Milled Wheat Flours. I. Description of Samples and Proximate Analysis.
K. Kulp, P. M. Ranum, P. C. Williams, and W. T. Yamazaki. Copyright 1980 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The overall purpose of this study was to determine the baseline levels and the variations of the nutrients proposed for enrichment of wheat flours in the United States and Canada. This initial paper details the selection, procurement, sampling, and proximate analyses of the 63 flour and parent wheat samples used in this study. The type of wheat and the milling parameters of all samples were documented by the mill. The classes of flour analyzed included bread, family, hearth, cake, and cookie-cracker flours. The samples were procured from mills selected on the basis of geographic location and type of flour produced to permit the assessment of variability of the studied nutrients due to wheat, milling practices, and other regional factors. The collected samples were sent to 13 laboratories for 39 separate assays of each flour and 17 assays of each parent wheat. Analyses reported here include protein, ash, starch damage, and Kent-Jones flour color values.