Cereal Chem 57:429 - 433. | VIEW
A Baking Method to Evaluate Flour Quality for Rotary-Molded Cookies.
C. S. Gaines and C. C. Tsen. Copyright 1980 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
A baking method to evaluate the quality of flour used in the production of rotary-molded (RM) cookies was developed. The ingredient formula and baking conditions were chosen to be similar to those used in commercial production of RM cookies. The RM method and the American Association of Cereal Chemists' (AACC) official method were compared, using flours of varying quality. The RM and AACC methods evaluated flour quality differently. The AACC method evaluated flour quality on the basis of cookie width, and the RM method evaluated it using cookie thickness and density, which are important in the commercial packaging of RM cookies.