Cereal Chem 57:433 - 436. | VIEW
Baking Properties of Oilseed Protein and Isolates Produced with Industrial Membrane Systems.
M. N. Khan and J. T. Lawhon. Copyright 1980 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Blends of wheat flour and protein isolates prepared from soy, cottonseed, and peanut flours by an alkaline extraction and ultrafiltration process were used to make bread by a short-time dough, white pan bread formula. Bread with acceptable volume was obtained when 4% soy or 8% cottonseed or peanut isolate was included in the formula. The protein isolate obtained by Ca(OH)2 extraction of untoasted defatted soy or peanut flour produced better bread with higher loaf volume than did the other six isolates. No significant difference was found in the baking properties of breads made from the two cottonseed isolates. Breads containing the soy protein isolates had superior crumb properties to the ones made from the peanut or cottonseed isolates.