Cereal Chem 57:123 - 125. | VIEW
Amino Acid and Mineral Profile of Air-Classified Navy Bean Flour Fractions.
K. M. Patel, C. L. Bedford, and C. W. Youngs. Copyright 1980 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Navy bean flour (NBF) was fractionated into protein concentrate (PC) and starch residue (SR), using an Alpine Microplex air classifier. NBF and the resulting fractions were analyzed for amino acids and minerals. The overall yields of the PC and the SR were 34.7 and 61.9%, respectively. The NBF and its fractions had a relatively high lysine content and the low sulfur amino acid content characteristic of legume proteins. Compared to the flour, the PC was lower in cystine, methionine, and tryptophan but higher in valine. Compared with the FAO reference amino acid pattern, the total sulfur amino acids were the first limiting whereas all other essential amino acids considerably exceeded the reference pattern in the NBF and in both fractions. The NBF and the two fractions contained from two to 17 times more minerals than did wheat flour. Pronounced shifting of all minerals except calcium into the PC fraction was noted.