Cereal Chem 57:163 - 166. | VIEW
Mixograph Studies. IV. The Mechanism by Which Lipoxygenase Increases Mixing Tolerance.
R. C. Hoseney, H. Rao, J. Faubion, and J. S. Sidhu. Copyright 1980 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Soy flour lipoxygenase increased mixing tolerance and improved rheological properties of wheat flour dough. Lipoxygenase overcame the effects that potassium iodate had on mixing tolerance. Lipoxygenase had no effect when those compounds were added to defatted flour, showing that free lipids are required for lipoxygenase action. Adding linoleic acid to defatted flour restored the effect of lipoxygenase. Oxygen was not required for lipoxygenase to increase mixing tolerance or to overcome the deleterious effects of fast- acting oxidants or activated double-bond compounds, but it was required for lipoxygenase to improve the rheological properties of dough. The data suggest that lipoxygenase affects mixing tolerance by creating a free radical on certain lipids that competes for activated double-bond compounds indigenous in flour or created by fast-acting oxidants. Lipoxygenase interferes with radioactive fumaric acid's binding with the gluten proteins during dough mixing.