Cereal Chem 57:166 - 168. | VIEW
Milling and Baking Properties of Dried Brewer's Spent Grains.
J. W. Finley and M. M. Hanamoto. Copyright 1980 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Dried brewer's spent grains from two different breweries were milled in a pilot scale flour mill at various moisture levels (7.4-16.4%). Results indicate that when the spent grains were drier, the coarse bran yield decreased and the flour increased as much as six fold. A coarse bran fraction with high fiber content (1.33% N, 26.4% fiber), a high protein flour fraction (7.62% N), and two intermediate fractions (shorts and fine bran) were recovered. The various fractions were incorporated into bread at 6 and 12% flour replacement levels. Coarse or fine bran significantly increased the fiber content of the bread and, although all loaf volumes were somewhat depressed and the colors darker than that of the control, the bread with 6% additive had acceptable appearance, texture, and grain.