Cereal Chem 57:185 - 188. | VIEW
Rheological Changes in Cracker Sponges During Fermentation.
A. Pizzinatto and R. C. Hoseney. Copyright 1980 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The 18-hr cracker sponge fermentation is an important step in conditioning dough for production of good quality crackers. Changes in the physical characteristics of cracker sponges during fermentation were measured by the Brabender extensigraph. Sponges were prepared in a low speed mixer (32 rpm) using a 500-g mixing bowl and fermented in a proof box at 86 F (30 C). The effects of sodium bicarbonate (soda), salt, yeast, mixing time, and pH were evaluated alone and in combination. Dough strength decreased as fermentation time increased. Salt increased dough resistance to extension, whereas soda and mixing time tended to increase extensibility. Yeast appeared to be responsible for the drop in pH during fermentation. Results with sponges at different pH levels, obtained by addition of lactic acid, showed that the decrease in resistance to extension during fermentation was pH dependent. The lower pH levels appeared to favor the activation of proteolytic enzyme. A pH of 4.0 was optimum for the presumed proteolytic enzyme action.