Cereal Chem 57:203 - 206. | VIEW
Fortification of Pasta with Pea Flour and Air-Classified Pea Protein Concentrate.
M. A. Nielsen, A. K. Sumner, and L. L. Whalley. Copyright 1980 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Noodles and spaghetti were prepared from hard red spring wheat flour fortified with 33% pea flour or 20% air-classified pea protein concentrate to increase the protein quantity and quality. Fortification increased the protein content up to 22.1% for noodles and 24.1% for spaghetti. Noodle dough handling characteristics deteriorated as the level of fortification increased. Addition of pea flour and protein concentrate reduced the cooking time for noodles, but cooking losses were greater. Sensory evaluation of the color, flavor, and texture of the more successful types of fortified pasta compared favorably with that of the 100% hard red spring wheat pasta. Pea products gave the pasta a yellow color that was generally considered desirable. Fortification with raw pea protein concentrate produced spaghetti that was most similar to durum spaghetti in textural quality, but its tolerance to overcooking and its flavor were inferior. Precooking the pea products improved the fortified spaghetti flavor score.