Cereal Chem 57:223 - 226. | VIEW
Replacement of Milk Protein with Protein from Cowpea and Field Pea Flours in Baking Powder Biscuits.
K. H. McWatters. Copyright 1980 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Baking and organoleptic qualities of baking powder biscuits made by replacing milk protein with cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) and field pea (Pisum sativum) protein were investigated. Flour from two varieties of cowpeas (G143, Dixie Cream) prepared by a dry milling process and from a flour and a protein concentrate prepared from field peas by pin-milling and air classification were included. Biscuits containing unheated and steamed (100 C, 30 min) pea products were compared to reference biscuits made with whole milk. Doughs containing the pea protein products were slightly less sticky than reference doughs. Sensory scores revealed that pea products in biscuits adversely influenced aroma and flavor qualities more than appearance, color, and textural attributes. Steam heating the pea protein products improved some biscuit quality attributes but not to the level of acceptability of the reference biscuits. Biscuits containing pea products browned less during baking and had lower weight/volume ratios than did the reference biscuits. The crust color of reference biscuits had lower L (lightness) and higher b (yellowness) Gardner values than did biscuits containing the pea products. The crumb color of reference biscuits and of those made from cowpea flours was lighter and less yellow than that of biscuits made from field pea products.