Cereal Chem 58:12 - 18. | VIEW
Soy Proteins in Human Diets in Relation to Bioavailability of Iron and Zinc: a Brief Overview.
V. R. Young and M. Janghorbani. Copyright 1981 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Because soy proteins are finding increased use in human diets, careful consideration of the relationship between soy protein intake and trace element nutrition in human subjects is necessary. Selected aspects of dietary mineral availability in reference to soy are reviewed, with particular reference to iron and zinc. Preliminary results of an MIT experiment, in which young men received diets containing soy protein isolate (Supro-620) and the stable isotopes 58Fe and 70Zn, suggest that iron in the soy protein isolate is readily available and that the protein source does not reduce the availability of dietary zinc.