Cereal Chem 58:334 - 338. | VIEW
Differential Settling Test for Evaluation of Liquid Cyclone Classification Performance.
R. J. Hron, Sr. Copyright 1981 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
A differential settling test (DST) developed by the Southern Regional Research Center utilizes small quantities of sample to assess the protein-classification efficiency of a commercial-sized liquid cyclone. The test can be applied to any grain or oilseed. In this study, cottonseed, corn germ, and unblanched peanut samples were comminuted, slurried with hexane, and liquid classified. Protein-classified and recovery data are shown comparing dry-pin and wet-stone milling methods as evaluated by the DST and a subsequent liquid cyclone process (LCP) test on identically treated material. Results of the DST showed a maximum protein concentration for cottonseed, corn, and peanuts of 68.67, 24.06, and 75.79%, respectively. The results of LCP tests were 67.30, 28.41, and 69.06%, respectively. LCP-processed unblanched peanuts, in addition to yielding a skin-free product approximating a protein concentrate, had a recovery rate of 73.8%, which suggests that the LCP is a possible commercial alternative to conventional solvent extraction methods for peanuts.