Cereal Chem 58:347 - 350. | VIEW
Proximate Composition, Phytic Acid, and Total Phosphorus of Selected Breakfast Cereals.
K. R. Davis. Copyright 1981 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Twelve cereals that are promoted as natural foods or high-fiber cereals were assayed for proximate composition and for phosphorus and phytic acid contents. Proximate composition was found to be close to published values and to product label claims. Phosphorus content ranged from 0.206% in Nature Valley Granola Bar to 0.592% in Roman Meal (moisture free basis). Phytic acid content ranged from 0.13% in Quaker 100% Natural Cereal to 1.42% in Roman Meal. Five of the products had 1% or more phytic acid. None of the cereals had a phytate-zinc molar ratio less than the 6:1 that has been reported to prevent zinc depletion. Recommendations are made to consumers, dietitians, and manufacturers of cereals to be aware of potential problems so that dietary or other compensations can be made.