Cereal Chem 58:384 - 387. | VIEW
The Do-Corder as a Possible Tool to Evaluate the Bread-Making Properties of a Dough.
S. Nagao, S. Endo, K. Takeya, and K. Tanaka. Copyright 1981 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Do-Corder curves distinguished between a bromated dough (two peaks in the curve at 75 and 85 C), a dough with added ascorbate (one peak at 75 C), and control dough with no additive (one peak at 85 C). These three doughs produced loaves with good, medium, and poor volumes, respectively. Do-Corder curves were somewhat different among flours with different bread-making performance. In the presence of bromate, however, all curves were alike and the quality of breads was much improved for all flours. Forty one compounds were tested with the Do-Corder in the presence of ascorbic acid. Nineteen gave two peaks in their Do-Corder curves and were thus similar to bromate in their effect on the curve. Aspartic acid, glutamic acid, cystine, and potassium bitartrate were randomly chosen for straight-dough and sponge-dough baking tests. When incorporated in a dough with ascorbic acid, each of them improved to some extent the quality of bread baked by the straight-dough method. Bread baked from a dough containing cystine and ascorbic acid by the sponge-dough method showed the same baking performance as bread baked from bromated dough. The Do-Corder is a promising tool for predicting the baking performance of a dough containing certain improver additives.