Cereal Chem 58:388 - 391. | VIEW
Effect of Fermentation on the Do-Corder and Bread-Making Properties of a Dough.
S. Nagao, S. Endo, and K. Tanaka. Copyright 1981 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The Do-Corder of a fermenting leavened dough showed two peaks (at 75 and 85 C) and was similar to the curve for a bromated dough. The addition of prefermented dough to a freshly prepared one produced a Do- Corder curve with two peaks and improved the baking performance as evaluated by the sponge-dough baking procedure. Substances produced by yeast during fermentation appeared to play a major role in modifying the physical properties of a dough. The change in the Do-Corder curve and the improvement in bread-making potential associated with the fermentation step were not due solely to the change in dough pH; the addition of acetic acid to an unleavened dough to lower its pH to the level of a leavened one showed little effect on its properties. The fermentation step was indispensable in the bread-making process; when this step was eliminated, none of the bread was satisfactory even in the presence of bromate.