Cereal Chem 58:395 - 400. | VIEW
Effect of Starchy Kernels, Immaturity, and Shrunken Kernels on Durum Wheat Quality.
J. E. Dexter and R. R. Matsuo. Copyright 1981 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The effect of starchy kernels, various degrees of immaturity, and shrunken kernels on durum wheat characteristics and end-use quality was investigated. As starchy kernel content increased, semolina granulation became finer and more flour was produced during milling. Protein content decreased with increased starchy kernel content, resulting in a deterioration in spaghetti cooking quality. The main effect of immature, grass green, and frosted green kernels was to increase ash levels, which led to duller and browner spaghetti. The presence of shrunken kernels caused reduced test weight, high ash, reduced milling yield, higher speck count, and poorer spaghetti color quality.