Cereal Chem 58:413 - 416. | VIEW
Cottonseed Flour's Functionality in Egyptian Baladi Bread.
M. A. El-Minyawi and M. E. Zabik. Copyright 1981 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The functionality of liquid cyclone-processed cottonseed flour was studied in an Egyptian "baladi" bread system. Bread baked with 0, 4, 8, 12, and 16% cottonseed flour showed a decrease in bread volume as the cottonseed substitution level increased. Sensory data indicated that bread was acceptable even at the 12% level of substitution. The protein and lysine contents of bread increased as the level of the cottonseed increased. The protein and lysine added at the 0.5% level affected the rheological (or mixograph) properties of the dough. Egyptian bread baked with Tandem 552 retained its softness after three days of storage, whereas bread baked with Tween 20 retained softness for six days.