Cereal Chem 58:428 - 432. | VIEW
Micro Baking Evaluation of Some U.S. Wheat Classes for Suitability in Iranian Breads.
H. A. Faridi, P. L. Finney, and G. L. Rubenthaler. Copyright 1981 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Micro baking techniques were developed for making the four most popular Iranian breads: barbari, lavash, taftoon, and sangak. Four U.S. wheat classes were tested for suitability in Iranian breads, using five wheat varieties and a western white composite. The soft white winter wheats produced the most desirable breads. The one soft white spring wheat produced satisfactory bread, although finished breads were excessively brown. Hard red winter wheat was strong and too dark most of the time. Club wheat was weak, making dough handling difficult and bread texture porous.