Cereal Chem 58:448 - 453. | VIEW
Factors Contributing to Baking Quality Differences in Hard Red Spring Wheat. II. Bases for Different Mixing Properties.
G. F. Marais and B. L. D'Appolonia. Copyright 1981 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The bases for different mixing properties of two hard red spring wheats (Olaf and F01277) were investigated, utilizing fractionation and reconstitution techniques and a correlation study. The stronger mixograph curve characteristics of Olaf resided primarily in the gluten fraction. The higher residue protein content of this variety appeared to explain most of the gluten effect. The residue protein did not, however, appear to affect the curve height at optimum development time and had a relatively small effect on curve height after 8 min of mixing. As could be expected, total protein content related negatively to peak time and positively to peak height (at a constant water absorption). Total pentosan content appeared to have a small positive effect on peak height and height after 8 min. The albumin protein content affected peak time and curve width positively. However, the albumin proteins appear to sometimes have a negative effect on peak time, depending on the manner in which they interact with entities in the gluten and tailings fractions. Gliadin content showed a positive association with mixograph peak area among 21 progeny lines. No evidence could be found of a significant effect on mixing behavior by proteolytic enzymes (in sound flours).