Cereal Chem 58:481 - 486. | VIEW
Effect of Surface Tension in the Gas-Dough Interface on the Rheological Behavior of Dough.
A. H. Bloksma. Copyright 1981 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Physical and geometric objections are raised to a recently proposed model for estimating the contribution of surface tension in the gas-dough interface to the elastic resistance of dough. An alternative model is proposed, in which the deformation of gas cells is equal to that of the dough. According to this model, the contribution of surface tension to the modulus of dough is much smaller than in the original model, particularly in doughs with little occluded gas. The alternative model predicts that this contribution is of little importance, possibly with the exception of doughs in an advanced stage of fermentation. Surface tension does not contribute to the viscous resistance of dough to an external load. Its contribution to the excess pressure in gas cells may, however, be larger than is required in a fermenting dough to overcome the viscous resistance of the liquid dough phase.