Cereal Chem 58:502 - 507. | VIEW
Structural Characterization of Legume Starches. II. Studies on Acid-Treated Starches.
C. G. Biliaderis, D. R. Grant, and J. R. Vose. Copyright 1981 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Several purified starches (from smooth and wrinkled peas; adzuki, mung, and red kidney beans; green lentil; and corn) were hydrolyzed with 2.2N HCl at 35 C in a heterogeneous reaction mixture. Starch granules were eroded in two distinct stages, ie, a relatively fast hydrolysis of the amorphous or gel phase and a slower degradation of the starch crystallites. The hydrolysis rate for legume starches was slower than that for corn starch. The mode of degradation of the chains of the amylopectin molecules was consistent with a cluster model. Debranching studies with pullulanase suggested that amylopectin constituted the main component of the starch crystallites in smooth pea, lentil, and adzuki bean starches, whereas short linear chains dominated the crystalline regions of wrinkled pea starch.