Cereal Chem 58:538 - 542. | VIEW
Interpretation of Do-Corder Curves. Identification of Flour Components Influencing Curve Characteristics.
S. Endo, S. Nagao, and K. Tanaka. Copyright 1981 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
This study was designed to indicate the constituents of flour responsible for the peaks at 75 and at 85 C in the curve produced by the Do-Corder, an instrument for measuring the consistency of dough while it is heated. The protein fraction of flour appeared to be associated with a peak at 75 C, because urea (a protein- dispersing agent) and N-ethylmaleimide (a sulfhydryl-blocking agent) affected this peak. Starch was the main flour component causing the increase in viscosity at 85 C, judging from the evidence that the damaging of starch affected it. Removal of free lipid had no effect on the curve, but bound lipid was shown to play an important role in determining the Do-Corder characteristics of a flour.