Cereal Chem 58:216 - 220. | VIEW
Simulated Approach to the Estimation of Degree of Cooking of an Extruded Cereal Product.
D. Paton and W. A. Spratt. Copyright 1981 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
A simulation method has been developed to estimate the degree of cooking of cereal products during the thermal extrusion process. The method is based upon analysis of the viscosity curves of known mixtures of precooked and uncooked starch as these are heated to 97 C and subsequently cooled to room temperature. By recording viscosity directly against temperature with the Ottawa Starch Viscometer and an X-Y recorder, curve shape differences can be readily identified. As the amount of uncooked starch in the mix increases, so does the area difference between the portions of the cooling and heating curves located between the Y axis and the curve intersection point. For uncooked starch concentrations of up to 30% in the mix, the data best fits a power equation of the form Y = aXb. The possible application of this approach to extruded products is illustrated and discussed.