Cereal Chem 58:239 - 244. | VIEW
Folacin Retention and Cookie Diameter in Enriched Cookies: Regression Analysis Using Factorial Design.
M. A. Connor and P. M. Keagy. Copyright 1981 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Folacin retention in cookies baked from flour fortified to National Research Council recommendations (0.07 mg of folic acid per 100 g of flour) is predicted by a least squares regression equation using baking time (7.6-12.7 min), baking temperature (334-432 F), unneutralized soda squared (0.3-35 mmol/100 g of flour), and thickness (5.0-10.5 mm) as the independent variables. The proportion of leavening gas from ammonium bicarbonate (50-90%) and the rest time of the dough had no measurable effect. An average of 85% of the dough folate was retained by the control cookies (time, 9.8 min; temperature, 385 F; excess soda, 3.3 mmol; and thickness, 7.0 mm). Folacin retention may also be predicted by cookie color or cookie pH and soda level. Regression equations for product diameter indicate that at an initial dough thickness of 9.5 mm, diameter can be predicted by time x temperature, soda x temperature, and soda. The presence of the time-temperature interaction enables the model to describe samples that are removed from the oven during the initial spreading phase before the dough has set or later when the cookies are drying and shrinking.