Cereal Chem 59:14 - 20. | VIEW
Relation of Polar Lipid Content to Mixing Requirement and Loaf Volume Potential of Hard Red Winter Wheat Flour.
O. K. Chung, Y. Pomeranz, and K. F. Finney. Copyright 1982 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Lipids were extracted (with petroleum ether) from 21 samples of hard red winter wheats and 23 samples of experimentally milled straight-grade flours that varied in bread-making potential. Wheat protein content varied from 11.5 to 15.7%, flour mixing time from 7/8 to 9 min, and loaf volume (LV) per 100 g of flour from 523 to 1,053 . The total lipids from 10 g of flour (db) were fractionated into polar lipids (PL) and nonpolar lipids (NL); total lipids were analyzed colorimetrically for carbohydrates, mainly galactose (GAL). PL content varied from 14.8 to 28.1 mg per 10 g of wheat and from 10.6 to 27.3 mg per 10 g of flour; NL/PL ratios were 6.31-11.32 for wheat and 2.47-6.91 for flour; lipid GAL ranged from 1.61 to 5.49 mg and from 2.64 to 5.61 mg in 10 g of wheat and flour, respectively. Significant linear correlations were found between LV and the following variables: PL content (r = 0.877 for wheat and 0.888 for flour), NL/PL ratio (r = -0.902 for wheat and -0.907 for flour), and lipid GAL (r = 0.745 for wheat and 0.905 for flour). PL, NL/PL ratio, and lipid GAL were curvilinearly related to mixing time requirement. The correlation coefficients of LV with PL, NL/PL ratio, and lipid GAL generally were somewhat improved when LV and lipid contents were corrected to a constant protein basis. The data indicate that the quantity of PL or galactolipids occurring naturally in wheat is related to bread-making (functional) properties and may govern or be closely related to other factors that govern functional properties of good and poor varieties of wheat. The highly significant correlations point to the potential usefulness of PL, NL/PL ratio, and lipid GAL for estimating LV potential of hard red winter wheat flours.