Cereal Chem 59:344 - 350. | VIEW
Effect of Germination on Electrophoretic, Functional, and Bread-Baking Properties of Yellow Pea, Lentil, and Faba Bean Protein Isolates.
D. L. Hsu, H. K. Leung, M. M. Morad, P. L. Finney, and C. T. Leung. Copyright 1982 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The physicochemical properties of protein isolates from ungerminated and germinated yellow peas, lentils, and faba beans were investigated. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic patterns revealed different degrees of protein modification among the three legumes after four days of germination. The effect of germination on nitrogen solubility, emulsifying capacity, foam capacity and stability, viscosity, gelation, and water sorption properties of the protein isolates from the three legumes also varied. Replacement of wheat flour with 5 or 8% legume protein isolates had deleterious effects on loaf volume and crumb grain of bread. Germination affected the baking properties of protein isolates from faba beans, but not those from peas or lentils.