Cereal Chem 59:385 - 388. | VIEW
Effect of Type and Amount of Mixing and Quantity of Water on Inhibitors of Yeast Activity in Wheat Flour Doughs and Slurries.
K. F. Finney, O. K. Chung, B. L. Bruinsma, and M. D. Shogren. Copyright 1982 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The effect of the type and amount of mixing and the quantity of water differentially influenced the effect of antimicrobial and antimycotic agents on the activity of yeast in dough and on loaf volume of bread. Sorbic acid, an antimycotic agent, greatly inhibited gas production in doughs or slurries of bread ingredients, regardless of the amount or type of mixing and the amount of water. Monolaurin and monolaurin-plus, antimicrobial agents, had small stimulating rather than depressing effects on yeast activities when diluted in the slurries containing the dough ingredients and 150% water. Even when doughs were manually mixed for 2 min, monolaurin and monolaurin-plus inhibited yeast activities only slightly. Yeast activities were materially inhibited by the two microbicides only after the doughs received appreciable mechanical mixing (an important phase of breadmaking). To determine whether a chemical will impair yeast activity in breadmaking, gas production tests should be made on doughs that contain the bread-making ingredients and are mechanically mixed to optimum.