Cereal Chem 59:422 - 426. | VIEW
Effect of Partial Sodium Chloride Replacement by Other Salts on Wheat Dough Rheology and Breadmaking.
H. Salovaara. Copyright 1982 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The rheological properties of wheat dough were studied when 20, 40, or 100% of sodium chloride (2.0%, flour weight basis) was replaced with an equivalent amount of potassium chloride, magnesium chloride, calcium chloride, magnesium acetate, magnesium sulfate, or sodium sulfate. Farinograph, extensigraph, and rotation viscometer measurements and test baking were applied to doughs containing various salts. At replacement levels of 20 and 40%, magnesium chloride and calcium chloride weakened the physical properties of dough, whereas magnesium and sodium sulfate strengthened them. Replacement with potassium chloride or magnesium acetate had no significant effect on dough rheology. The peak time and stability value of the farinograms and the extension and extension resistance values of the extensigrams could be arranged in order of the lyotropic series of the corresponding ions. Viscometer flow curves revealed marked differences between chloride, acetate, and sulfate at 100% replacement. When optimum mixing times were used in the baking test, no difficulties in baking performance due to 40% replacement with potassium or calcium chloride or magnesium salts were detected. The flavor of these breads was poor.