Cereal Chem 59:493 - 495. | VIEW
Digestibility of Complex Carbohydrates and Protein in Wheat Breads.
G. S. Ranhotra, J. A. Gelroth, F. A. Novak, M. A. Bock, and G. L. Winterringer. Copyright 1982 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
These studies examined the apparent digestibility (on young adult rats) of dry matter, protein, fat, ash, dietary fiber, and available carbohydrates in wheat breads. Five types of breads were made: flour bread, starch bread, reconstituted (starch and gluten combined) flour bread, gluten bread, and starch bread-plus- gluten. Results showed that the apparent digestibility of dry matter (96.3-98.1%) and of available carbohydrates (98.6-99.8%) was almost complete. Digestibility of protein, fat, and ash was also quite high. A portion of the dietary fiber was also digested. Indirect evidence suggested that the microbial degradation of available carbohydrates was probably minimal.