Cereal Chem 59:105 - 107. | VIEW
Phytic Acid in Durum Wheat and Its Milled Products.
M. M. Tabekhia and B. J. Donnelly. Copyright 1982 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Phytic acid content of whole kernels and of milled products (bran, dust, semolina, and flour) was determined for six durum wheat varieties grown in 1976 at three North Dakota locations. Phytic acid levels in the whole wheat kernel were not significantly influenced by variety or environment, although trends were noted between locations. Significant differences were determined for phytic acid levels among milled products. Significant differences were also found in phytic acid levels among mill fractions due to location and variety, with significant interactions between location and variety and between location and mill fraction. Phytic acid, a nutritionally undesirable metal-chelating agent, is located primarily in the mill by- products bran and dust and is present in relatively low levels in the major pasta-product ingredients, semolina and flour.