Cereal Chem 59:125 - 128. | VIEW
Role of Free Flour Lipids in Batter Expansion in Layer Cakes. II. Effects of Heating.
R. L. Clements and J. R. Donelson. Copyright 1982 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Free lipids were extracted from unbleached flours and heated at 100 C for different periods, either unsupported or supported on diatomaceous earth. Cakes were then baked from defatted bleached and unbleached flours reconstituted with the heat-treated lipids. Heating unsupported lipids for up to 60 min usually resulted in oven expansion greater than that of unbleached controls. Heating supported lipids for shorter periods resulted in oven expansion equal to or exceeding expansion from bleached control flours. Differences in sensitivity to heating were noted among flours. Expansion was retained as volume when heat- treated lipids were added to defatted bleached flours, but cakes usually collapsed when lipids were added to defatted unbleached flours.