Cereal Chem 59:167 - 171. | VIEW
Determination of Starch Gelatinization by X-Ray Diffractometry.
J. Owusu-Ansah, F. R. Van De Voort, and D. W. Stanley. Copyright 1982 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The potential of X-ray diffractometry for quantitative determination of gelatinization of starch was evaluated. The method, which used a "built-in" internal standard approach, had a total coefficient of variation of 99.87%. The diffractometry method also correlated well with a standard chemical method. Both procedures showed that critical moisture contents of 45-47% for maize and 55% for pea were necessary for complete gelatinization of these starches. Results from scanning electron microscopy ran parallel to the chemical and X-ray data, indicating that both methods measure physical changes taking place during gelatinization.