Cereal Chem 59:199 - 201. | VIEW
Influence of Drying Temperature and Farina Blending on Spaghetti Quality.
A. R. Wyland and B. L. D'Appolonia. Copyright 1982 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
A study of the influence of drying temperature on spaghetti quality indicated that increasing the drying temperature improved spaghetti color, increased firmness values, and decreased cooking loss and cooked weight values. Increasing the proportion of hard red spring (HRS) wheat farina in farina-semolina blends brought about an increase in firmness and a decrease in cooking loss, cooked weight, and spaghetti color. When the hard red winter (HRW) farina content was increased, firmness values did not change significantly, but color, cooking loss, and cooked weight values decreased as in the HRS samples. The firmness values of samples containing HRS farina were higher than those of samples containing HRW, whereas the cooking loss values were lower. These data, based on limited samples, indicate that good quality spaghetti can be made from semolina-farina blends, but blends using farina obtained from HRS wheat produce spaghetti superior in quality to spaghetti from HRW farina-semolina blends.