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Cereal Chem 59:205 - 209.  |  VIEW ARTICLE
Effect of Moisture, Temperature, and Storage Time on Subsequent Storability of Shelled Corn.

R. A. Perez, J. Tuite, and K. Baker. Copyright 1982 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc. 

Shelled corn of high quality was stored at 14.0, 15.5, and 18.0% moisture content (MC) for 7.0 or 7.5 months at postharvest Indianapolis temperatures (IT), starting October 15. After 2.5, 3.5, 5.5, and 7.0 or 7.5 months, aliquots were transferred to 84% rh or kept at their original moisture at 26 C for 21 days. The latter conditions were to represent transport to the southeastern United States. Mold spoilage was determined by examining kernels for visible molds, blue eye, kernel invasion, and fungal propagules. The corn was not invaded by fungi at 14.0 and 15.5% MC at IT for 7.5 months. Corn that was stored for 7.0 months at 18.0% MC was invaded by molds but was without visible mold on intact kernels. Visible mold appeared on some cracked pieces of corn. Although of high germination and free of detectable molds, corn stored for 7.5 months at 14.0 and 15.5% MC at IT developed more moldy kernels and fungi propagules after tansfer to 26 C than did corn stored for 5.5 months or less. Corn stored at 18% MC for longer times at IT was more often invaded by fungi and also was more liable to spoilage at 26 C than was the corn stored for shorter periods or lower moistures at IT. To predict mold spoilage of corn during shipping to the southeastern United States, storage history (moisture, temperature, and length of previous storage) and conditions of transport should be considered.

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