Cereal Chem 59:245 - 248. | VIEW
Effects of Heat Treatment and Level of Navy Bean Hulls in Sugar-Snap Cookies.
C. DeFouw, M. E. Zabik, M. A. Uebersax, J. M. Aguilera, and E. Lusas. Copyright 1982 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The effects of levels of navy bean hull incorporation and of navy bean heat treatment on the physical and sensory qualities of sugar-snap cookies were investigated. Levels of 0-30% substitution of navy bean hulls were substituted for flour. The hulls were either not roasted or subjected to one of two roasting temperatures: 160 or 240 C. The major differences attributed to roasting were cookie color, moisture, and flavor. Flavor and physical characteristics, including top grain and spread, were adversely affected as the level of substitution increased. Approximately 0.2, 0.7, 1.2, and 1.7 g of dietary fiber was available per cookie with 0, 10, 20, and 30% navy bean hull substitution, respectively.