Cereal Chem 59:254 - 257. | VIEW
Comparison of the Grain Amylase Analyzer with the Amylograph and Falling Number Methods.
B. L. D'Appolonia, L. A. MacArthur, W. Pisesookbunterng, and C. F. Ciacco. Copyright 1982 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The Perkin-Elmer model 191 grain amylase analyzer was used to analyze five different series of samples, and the results were compared to falling number and amylograph peak viscosity values. One sample series contained a sound sample of wheat flour to which various amounts of barley malt were added. Two series each of wheat samples grown during the 1979 and 1980 crop years were used. The 1979 crop material contained very little sprouted wheat, whereas the 1980 crop samples showed a wide range in sprouting. Highly significant correlations were found between grain amylase analyzer results and falling number or amylograph peak viscosity values. The correlation coefficient values were highest with those samples having a wide range in amylase activity.