Cereal Chem 59:262 - 265. | VIEW
Gelatinization of Wheat Starch. IV. Amylograph Viscosity.
K. Ghiasi, E. Varriano-Marston, and R. C. Hoseney. Copyright 1982 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Surfactants (monoglyceride and sodium stearoyl lactylate) reduced the first-stage viscosity of wheat starch and delayed the second-stage increase. The delay in the increase of second-stage viscosity apparently stems from the fact that the surfactant complexed with amylose and reduced its solubility. Wheat-starch solubility at 95 C was inhibited by monoglyceride but not by sodium stearoyl lactylate; however, both surfactants affected amylograph viscosity equally. Thus, amylograph viscosity does not depend entirely on starch solubility. Viscosity of solubilized starch was lower than that of heated, granular starch. Calculations based on swelling power and starch solubility indicate that much of the available water is absorbed by the starch granules. As more water is bound, the concentration of soluble starch in the remaining free water increases, giving the sharply increased viscosities.