Cereal Chem 59:265 - 269. | VIEW
Water Absorption and Solubility and Amylograph Characteristics of Roll-Cooked Small Grain Products.
R. A. Anderson. Copyright 1982 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
For many years, cereals and cereal products have been gelatinized or cooked on heated rolls to prepare specialty products. Corn and grain sorghum grits or flours have been the raw materials used most frequently. Examination of the roll cooking of several other cereal derivatives (ie, grits from wheat, barley, rye, and oats) has shown that rheological characteristics differ when the various products are processed under like conditions. Comparisons made of water absorption (WAI), water solubility (WSI), and Brabender amylograph patterns of the resulting products revealed not only many similarities between the different cereals but also some interesting differences. Cooked grits from oats had considerably lower WAI and WSI values than the other grains under study; the WAI peaked about 100 F (37 C) lower than that of grits from wheat, barley, rye, corn, and sorghum. Oat products gave amylograph patterns similar to those of corn, sorghum, and wheat, whereas cooked barley grits gave atypical viscosity patterns, with elevated values at all critical points.