Cereal Chem 59:284 - 288. | VIEW
Energy Consumption During Flour Milling: Description of Two Measuring Systems and the Influence of Wheat Hardness on Energy Requirements.
R. H. Kilborn, H. C. Black, J. E. Dexter, and D. G. Martin. Copyright 1982 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Two instruments are described, one that employs a strain gauge transducer with instrumentation to measure energy requirements during milling for any selected roll stand in the Grain Research Laboratory (GRL) pilot mill, and another that employs a watt transducer to measure energy requirements for the roll stands in either the GRL 6-in. or GRL 10-in. laboratory experimental mill. Reproducibility of both instruments was excellent. Both instruments were sufficiently sensitive to detect relatively subtle differences within a series of hard red spring wheats of varying protein content and quality. When compared to results for break flour release and flour starch damage, the energy readings gave an accurate estimate of kernel hardness.